Wanted: Authors of Great Books

The eagle in a magnifying glass above is one inclined to arresting errors in written content. With its eagle eye, Eyeway Publishing Limited, the media & education company, is making a foray into book publishing.

We’re set to publish not just ebooks and print books but also audio and video books. We shall, however, publish only books that meet our standard – books with substance; books that educate; books without errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation. We shall also tap into the wisdom of the ancients by republishing old books that are already in the public domain but which many cannot have access to.

If you wish to write and publish a book in any genre, send a query (letter) to us, as we invite manuscripts from authors who do not wish to compromise on excellence. We may accept unsolicited manuscripts, but it’s better for the writer to query us first. The editing process at Eyeway together with the collaboration between publisher and author ensures that the final product is of high quality and comparable to the best in the world.

Bad grammar, misspellings and wrong punctuation have embarrassed many otherwise great authors, as they have CEOs, statesmen and politicians through their books, speeches, website content, conference papers, articles, business letters, business proposals and other communication products. Eyeway promises to rescue as many as are willing to knock at its door.

For details on our services including publishing terms or how to submit manuscripts, call or send SMS to: +234-8032621932. You may also mail your query to: [email protected].

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