For Education, Jobs and World Peace
What are the causes of conflict? Injustice. Corruption. Climate change. Inequality. Poverty. Megalomaniac leaders. Lies. Our foundation is dedicated to the crusade for a just world, a safe world, and a more prosperous world through purposeful education and wealth creation.
At Eyeway Media & Education Foundation, EYEMEF, we shoot at trouble even before it rears its ugly head. That’s why we emphasize prevention rather than resolution of conflicts. As writers and journalists, we’re at the forefront of the campaign for shared prosperity around the globe.
We enjoin you to join in this effort to make our world cleaner and safer. Everybody gains in a world without environmental disasters – and wars.
There is a lot you can do: Alert us early to events, conflicts, acts of corruption and other developments around you through SMS, WhatsApp post, phone call or email. Take pictures of areas under attack by climate change or of environmental disasters waiting to happen. Write for us on any subject you’re familiar with, in the quest for good governance, peace, jobs, transparency, equality, education, environmental safety and more.
In time, we shall offer and attract grants and scholarships to members who demonstrate interest in our cause. Already, we run workshops for writers, journalists and other communicators. And we hope to sponsor members to conferences and workshops in Nigeria and overseas. Armed with accurate information, we shall mediate in conflicts wherever we can.
You’ll be reading our statements first! Please register with us by filling the following coupon and sending the information as an SMS to +2348054100220, or an email to [email protected].
Your name (surname last)
Phone no.
Email address
You’re now a soldier for peace and shared prosperity. Welcome on board!
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