By Nwoba Chika Nwoba*
“Yahoo-plus” or “Okeite” is killing young men today especially in Igbo-land. If you see any yahoo boy spending money lavishly, know that he’s into yahoo-plus. Ordinary yahoo no longer pays.
To get big pay, they now go into this devilish cult. The least an experienced native doctor could charge a person to prepare this charm is N1.5million. Some charge as much as N3million. Some don’t charge; what they do is collect a percentage of whatever you realize from time to time.
Traders also do this charm. That’s what’s called money ritual (ogwu ego).
The native doctor prepares it with bats, other dangerous species of birds, bitter herbs, roots and barks of spiritual trees like the ogilisi. The main ingredients are dog’s parts and human parts. How they obtain human parts? They work directly with mortuary attendants. They use mostly the parts of those who died in road accidents and others who died young (unripe age). They also go for the parts of women who had no children. Any native doctor who knows how to prepare this must be occultic, otherwise the vibration would sweep the native doctor within a period. The repercussions are usually harsh on the native doctors.
In this category of charm is the powerful _Ibobo isi atu_. Ibobo is hung on the wall. Celebrities do it. Contractors, drug people, security heads and lawyers who want to be feared do it. They do it to command respect, to be feared and to get attracted to important people. It’s a very dangerous charm, almost more dangerous and costlier than Okeite. Anybody who has Ibobo is feared for no reason. People listen where they talk. As a contractor, their own bidding is first considered. It carries a force of attraction. The glory of a person who has it holds people down.
Another one is udu ako mmili (a calabash that never lacks water). It’s more like okeite. It takes the same process to prepare. Another one under this category is Okeawele. Traders, transporters and farmers mainly do this. Another one is what is called aro agba aka (the year won’t end without making a person wealthy). It’s a new discovery under this category and seems to be the deadliest.
These are some of the things people tap as grace in the lives of some people they think are rich. Funny enough, no stupendously rich person does any of these. What they enable those doing them to afford are Benz, houses and money to spend on women and spray at events. That’s all. Nobody who does any of these stupid things is ever counted among wealthy men and women in the society.
The side-effects are bigger than what they offer. You continue losing family members from time to time. They seize some people’s ability to give birth. Some may give birth, but the baby would die on delivery. Sometimes, the mother follows it. They destroy children. Some don’t live more than five years.
But the money would be coming. After the person’s death, the properties collapse the way they came.
Apart from the lethal effects, the yahoo-plus cultist won’t have peace of mind while alive. They won’t help anyone with the money. The more often he brings things into the pot, the more the money flows.
It booms more when the handkerchief used in cleaning a woman’s private part after sex is put in the pot. That’s why you see some young girls go mad or find it hard to give birth. The pot boils like never before!
Some bring charred human parts, and those babies and young girls whose blood is still fresh.
The truth is that the native doctor doesn’t know the people the charms would take as sacrifice. The charms pick randomly. Sometimes, a family member or close friends could die without the yahoo-plus man knowing they died at his instance. The charms select and don’t tell the clients when and who they are collecting. This is why a rich person in a family suspected to be behind another’s death could come out boldly and swear with their life and nothing harms them.
Once the pot stops frothing, the time for the person to go has come. That’s when you find some young boys die of road accidents or go mad or die in mysterious ways. So, when you are tapping from a person’s grace just because he bought a new vehicle or built a new house, know it that you might be tapping from a strange force.
No yahoo boy who has huge money nowadays gets it outside this means. Ordinary yahoo (through which oyibo are duped) stopped paying some five years ago.
It’s good that you know all these so that no one pushes you into regrettable living. So that you don’t envy people you are better than. So that you don’t think you are not working hard. Learn. Research. Ask questions. Don’t be jealous. Envy no one. Don’t be disturbed by the acts of some people who don’t have known sources of income.
_Nwoba shared this piece on WhatsApp._