Today is St. Valentine’s Day or Lovers’ Day. Youngsters should google it to discover why February 14 is called “Lovers’ Day”. They will find that St. Valentine performed a rare act of love for which he was executed on a February 14. A verse in the Bible reminds us: “Greater love has no man than this: that a man laid down his life for his friends.”
These days, nobody understands the meaning of love anymore. When a man tells a woman “I love you”, he means “I want to have sex with you”. Most women say “I love you” only to their sexual partner (friend or husband) or anyone else with deep pockets.
So, today is not prostitutes’ day. I know hotels and clubs look forward to this day to make brisk business. The demand for condoms may be high too. But no young person should allow these hijackers of Lovers’ Day to lead them astray. Fornication outside of marriage remains an evil thing. It destroys good relationships.
Lovers’ Day is every day. February 14 only reminds us of St. Valentine’s sacrifice and the way we should live in the world. In Nigeria especially, all I see are people who love money but pretend to love God. Yet, life without true love is hellish. Many still thirst for love.