A citation of Rev. Monsignor Raphael Eze (circa 1910–1985) by the Lejja Hall of Fame A new religion and a new education...
By MICHAEL RICHMOND DURU* 1. Let’s sacrifice a few minutes, let’s sieve out the facts and weigh them on the scales of...
On the 51st anniversary of the self-immolation and death of Bruce Mayrock, Emeka Ojukwu’s widow fulfils her husband’s wish to immortalize the...
30 YEARS AGO – In the early hours of Sunday, April 22, 1990, Nigerians tuned in their radio only to hear martial...
• The story of a strong man’s journey in an unjust world (First published in LEADERSHIP SUNDAY, March 1, 2009, page 64)...
50 YEARS AGO — Biafran leader General Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu addressing a world press conference in Ivory Coast: Three days ago I...
All government ministries, departments and agencies, banks and other financial institutions in Anambra State did not open this Monday. It was in...
*Association releases striking photographs from the archives to mark 70th anniversary The Commonwealth is celebrating its 70th anniversary by releasing a series...
In just 100 days in 1994, about 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. They were targeting members of...